meet the wondo's

Berry Strong Paw

• Appointed leader of the Army of Love and Light
• Responsible for keeping Wondo World safe and protected
• Spreads love, light, happiness and peace
• Known for her smart heart and warm hugs
• Wise, tactical and strategic leader
• Can shoot beams of love from her paws, has super strength and agility
• Best friend/companion: A sheep named Sparkles, who helps Berry with her missions and keeps her company.

Commander Cosmo Naut

• Founder & CEO of the Wondonauts
• Fearless explorer of New Worlds
• Trained to operate any type of spacecraft with ease
• Mission: To discover and explore new worlds, make new friends, and spread happiness throughout the galaxy
• Believes in his ability to conquer anything
• Favorite snack: freeze-dried berries from other planets
• Can't resist giving high-fives with his big puffy hands
• Constantly humming space-themed songs

Sunny Dai Love

• A talented chef and an even better gardener
• Extraordinary ability to communicate with plants and animals
• Loved and revered by all creatures in Wondo World
• Cheerful, optimistic, energetic, adventurous, dreamer
• Motto: "Life is better when you wear a smile!"
• Her secret ingredient in all of her dishes is love

Agent Lex Vortex

• Head of the Wondo Intelligence Agency
• Highly creative, curious and innovative thinker
• Dedicated to quantum physics, neuroscience & research
• Always coming up with out-of-the-universe solutions
• Hobbies: Reading, studying, and experimenting
• Agent Vortex had a mysterious past, rumored to have been an orphan and self-taught genius
• People say there are no limits to his imagination
• Married to Luna Moonstone

Luna Moonstone

• Spiritual teacher and best-selling author
• Message is inclusive and welcoming to all
• Known for her teachings on mindfulness, living in the present moment, and finding inner peace
• Always chooses peace and harmony
• Loves yoga, and playing her bamboo flute
• Can balance on one paw for long periods of time
• Married to Agent Vortex